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Southwold Primary School


Maths at Yox Valley Partnership of Schools

We believe all children can achieve at maths. Our aim is to equip all pupils with the skills and confidence to solve a range of problems through fluency with numbers and mathematical reasoning. Through strong subject knowledge we encourage a love of learning and resilience. 

We have selected the White Rose schemes of learning to guide our planning and teaching in maths as a mastery approach to support a deep connected and sustained understanding. The scheme ensures that all pupils become fluent, reason mathematically and solve problems. We use their mixed aged schemes of learning to support our mixed aged classes following the yearly overviews provided which blocks mathematical themes together.

Teachers in a phase all approach planning a block sequence in the same way.  This is by selecting success criteria for each year group they teach and devising an assessment task (elicitation/cold task.) This is then used to inform the planning sequence needed to ensure all children make good progress in their own year groups learning. The teacher will use the White Rose steps and their own judgements and assessments to identify the key steps the children need to make across a sequence. 

When planning the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach will be followed to develop a deep and sustainable understanding.  Key vocabulary will be identified and taught to support understanding and children’s own ability to explain and discuss mathematics. At the end of taught block teachers will reassess so that the children, parents and teachers can see progress and whether age-related expectations have been met. If children have not met age-related expectations teachers adjust sequences of future learning. 

In order to be inclusive our SEND pupils follow the same blocks as their class. SEND pupils may be supported by additional adults, different resources or different activities. They may also complete additional activities outside of the main mathematics lesson.

During lessons, teachers will use ‘live marking’ and scaffolding to support children’s understanding for this lesson and future lessons. The White Rose Scheme of Learning provides teachers with lots of tasks to use, teachers decide which tasks match the learning intention (WALT) in each lesson. Over time, teachers ensure that all books are seen to check children’s current understanding and enable them to plan the next steps. Teachers will use questions such as “how do you know?” and “why?” to assess children’s understanding and to promote mathematical discussion and reasoning. 

In Key Stage 2, overlearning of multiplication and division facts to increase fluency is achieved through the use of a range of methods e.g. Maths Frame and Times Tables Rock Stars.

Each class has a working wall for the current mathematical block being taught. This is to support the children’s understanding of the learning sequence being taught.  There is a shared display board to celebrate children’s successes in maths, this is updated regularly.  
Termly assessments are carried out for children in years 2-6, year 1 are assessed in the Summer Term. We use NTS assessments and conduct a gaps analysis to inform them of any teaching that is required in addition to the White Rose Scheme of Learning.  Data is recorded termly on Pupil Asset as to whether the children are on track to be working towards, at or above age-related expectations, this is the children’s test result and the teacher’s judgement which is informed by the end of block assessment tasks.

In EYFS, children are provided with opportunities to develop their skills in counting, calculate simple addition and subtraction problems and describe shapes, spaces and measure. This is through using a range of practical resources.  This mathematical learning is captured on Tapestry – which is an online Early Years Learning Journey. A revised EYFS framework is being trialled and will be implemented from September 2021.  Maths in an EYFS setting would include these elements as agreed by the Early Years Leads: 
•    Rich in mathematical language.
•    Input will be interactive and visual. 
•    Differentiated questioning and targeting questioning from all adults in the room.
•    Resources and apparatus will encourage independent learning. 
•    Learning will be linked to children’s interests. Possible lines of direction (PLOD) 
•    At least one activity will be set up linked to Maths learning focus. 
•    Activities have been pitched to the appropriate level for individual children. 

Rationale developed by Christina Pates, Subject Lead, March 2020.