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Southwold Primary School

Assemblies & Collective Worship

At Southwold Primary School, assemblies are held each day, and these take place in a variety of forms, including:

  • Whole school assemblies
  • Class assemblies
  • Singing Assemblies
  • School Council assemblies
  • Weekly Celebration Assemblies where parents/carers are invited to join us for ‘Star of the week’ awards

Our assemblies are held in line with the 1988 Education Reform Act which states that collective worship in schools will be "wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian nature". We also reflect the religious backgrounds represented in our communities and our assemblies are conducted in a manner that is sensitive to the faiths and beliefs of all members of our school community.

Through our assemblies, we aim to provide a caring and supporting environment for children to become increasingly aware of themselves as individuals and as part of a group.

Our assemblies are a crucial part of our social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. They also provide us with additional opportunities to make our children aware of our school values and British values.

Every half-term, we create a new assembly timetable which will be a mixture of local and national issues, special events, religious events, international days of recognition and specific focuses on our school values. For each of these assemblies, we make a direct link to our school values and/or British values.